Media and Distribution Opportunities
When the utilizing brand surveys, the Film company can even capture relevant marketing data from specific audiences. It can build sustainable awareness for a product with sweepstakes or contests. Tracking offline sales and conversions with online coupons can now be easily done. And, as we have said, technology advancements in Media Players are enabling new promotion and distribution opportunities for the film industry including online. Growing Options for Viewing
Films These new capabilities open
up an opportunity and a challenge to film distributors: how to target
this new digital entertainment gateway with digital movies and video
but not lose control of the content in the process. Already today some
estimates say there are as many as 500,000 digital movies being exchanged
illegally over the web. How can technology help to bridge the gap between
what consumers want (find, acquire, playback and share movies online)
and what the film industry wants (secure content, business models that
work, a great consumer experience)? Media
Players Internet Distribution - Streaming
Downloads As part of a Web site overhaul,
the company added on Thursday several features to its digital movie
service for PCs. "Allowing users to download and own DVD-quality versions of video content is the next great frontier in digital promotion and distribution," CinemaNow CEO Curt Marvis said in a statement. Customers can also choose to subscribe to a monthly service or watch movies on a pay-per-view basis. The challenge. CinemaNow and rival Movielink, a Hollywood-backed venture, face hurdles when it comes to drawing customers. One is that people are accustomed to watching feature films on a big screen--not on a PC display. Broadband adoption and advances in technology have improved prospects for the online movie business, but it is still at a disadvantage.